The church used to meet in a barn. Before that it met in a shopping center; and before that it met in a fitness center. As the venues have changed, so has the form of the church.
This is an equal opportunity church. Before moving to the bar/grill, members could bring their pets to church. For some stupid reason, this is frowned upon by the health inspectors, so I just sit outside and listen through the window. T.T. leaves a leash on the table next to me in case a cop drives by. I simply slip my head through the leash, the other end of which is attached to the table legs. Once the SOBCOP has gone, I pull my head out and go about my business. Sometimes I leave my business on the sidewalk just because these leash laws suck.
Up until recently, the church had no music, but now a couple of members are bringing guitars and everyone will sing three or four songs. They aren't as good as a pack of baying hounds, but they're not bad for humans. The singing probably freaks out the heathens in the next room, who're there eating breakfast instead of being in church - where they belong, IMHO.
Most of the time these Christians talk about scripture, and about what's going on in their lives. Sometimes it's about biology, DNA, herbs, or even politics. Usually T.T. has at least one political comment or opinion to share. This past Sunday the talk was about mafia wars. You see, half of the members of the church are in the same mafia family. None of them are Italian as far as I know. And none of them can sing Soprano. But it does make sense for a mafia to meet in a restaurant/bar/grill to conduct business, spiritual or otherwise.

T.T. was bragging on the number of members in his part of the family: around 435 or so. He's not the highest man on the totem pole. The guy playing the guitar is up there. Even the pastor is in the mafia. They were talking about how many casinos they owned, how many town cars and Humvees were in their stable, who they whack and what determines who gets whacked and how often, which mafia families they have alliances with, etc. I wanted to tell T.T. to lower the window some in case a cop walked by and overhead what they were saying, but I was intrigued and wanted to hear more.
It seems that T.T. is earning about $3,000,000 an hour and has over $20 billion in the bank. Those lottery winnings were sure invested well. Then the pastor says that $3 million is nothing - he's making hundreds of millions an hour! I couldn't believe my ears at first, but then I realized that most of it is going to stimulate Obama's economy. One would think they would whack the President and buy off Congress with that much money at stake.
Apparently these mafia members put great stock in gifts and collecting statuary, paintings, rings, even neckties and playing cards. They'll pull off a heist in the hopes of finding one of these items. No wonder the American Christians are the most affluent believers in the world. Who else would risk so many lives to gain a Queen of Hearts or Seven of Clubs?

Now I know that the Church used to be in bed with the government in Europe, which is why the Protestants moved to America about 500 years ago. Now it looks like the mafia has gained control of the Southern Baptists and other fundamental denominations and is planning to take over the government. It's all very confusing and scary. It’s said that once you join the mafia, you're in it for life. Perhaps that's what the Baptists mean when they say "Once saved, always saved."
You would think that with all that money and power the people could come to church in something nicer than sandals and shorts. They must be keeping it all on the down-low. I'll bet I know what they're doing! They're laundering all that money through various ministries all over the world. That's the only explanation for the pastor spending time recently with a group of Church movers-and-shakers out on Orcas Island. They're redefining the Church. The Pope is being replaced by the Don who gets his orders from GODFather; and I guess that's cool, because the old Church was about as effective as the federal government.
Something is bothering me though. I don't understand how these Christians can justify breaking all the Commandments. All this mugging, whacking, snuffing, robbing, bribing, and paying off people just doesn't seem to fit in with scripture. I've got to remember to talk to God about it next time He comes over. Maybe it’s all covered under the Grace clause.
Very Good!
I used to sit at my master's feet and listen to her sing. Her voice was pure music, even when she was not singing. I love to hear her say my name, or call me a good dog. You know, what? Even the cat would come over and sit down and stare at my master as she expressed what was in the depths of her soul. I think you must just need to tune in to what is going on inside your people. Even the cows would be calmer when my master's father hummed to them.
Maybe you are just concerned that the owner of the bar would get upset if the songs were too loud. Why don't you ask him? Pretty simple. Or maybe you are ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Do you know that singing is the only way some people can share that good news? Well, this is just my opinion, but I do want to say that I hope TT's wife is not one of the guitar players. If so, I hope TT doesn't share your views. Unfortunately, we dogs pick up many of our master's ideas.
Obviously Shauna's never played Mafia Wars:).
The Emerging Church is not about music or the style of worship. It's a story about a non-traditional church that keeps it real...even when they're talking about whacking other mobsters.
TT's church is filled with Christians who've been burned by modern-day Pharisees. The members of this church would rather do good than sit and listen to a sermon about being good. If they've got music, great; if there is no music - they've got each other. Both TT's wife and the mafia member who play the guitar are gifted and add to the corporate experience. But that doesn't mean that before the music there was no worship - far from it!
The issue here is that Shauna got hung up over the music and missed the story. I've been part of a church where the music drove the church, and when the musicians left, so did most of the members. One aspect of worship is no better than other forms of worship. Some people sing, some quote scripture, some teach, some draw, some wipe down tables and sweep the floors, some - like TT, totes his wife's guitar for her. Each member does what they can, but none have whiter clothes than another.
The gospel of Christ is not about salvation or Heaven; it's about the Kingdom of God is here, now...even if it's inside a bigot like TT.
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