Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Numb Nuts

This week's continuing saga in the life of Bubba BiGot Jr III (or T.T.) ties in with the previous two posts - miscommunication and rear ends.

I'm in my customary pew outside the bar where T.T.'s church meets. The metal table legs are beginning to rust from my frequent bathroom breaks, so I'm considering donating another table to take its place. Maybe I'll follow the lead of Baptists and have a dedication plaque attached to it so visitors and customers will know of my good deed. Maybe God will stop by for a drink and sit at the table, notice my name, and reward me for my generosity....but I don't think so.

Anyway, this past Sunday a visiting missionary couple came to talk to us about the work they're doing in Guatemala. They brought a beautiful little girl with them and she and I had a good time coloring while her dad talked about the needs of people in La Limonada, outside Guatemala City. (Click the link above for more information.)

T.T. sat in the center of the room, slouched down so the people behind him could see the speaker. I watched him squirm and wiggle, trying to get comfortable in the wooden chair. By the time the service was nearing an end, T.T. was pretty miserable. So he stood up and walked to the front of the room rather than stand in front of the people sitting behind him. The pastor, observing T.T. standing at the front, assumed he had something to say and offered the floor to T.T.

If you don't know much about T.T., you should know that he says what's on his mind. Sometimes it's quick and witty, and other times his mouth gets ahead of his brain - which was the case this time. When the pastor asked T.T. if he had something he wanted to say, T.T.'s response was supposed to be, "No. My butt's numb from sitting in that chair." What came out however was, "No. My nuts are numb...my butt's numb..uh."

Everybody cracked up. I fell off the table laughing. T.T. blushed, and in characteristic fashion said, "Nuts, butts, what's a couple of inches either way?" More laughs. I'm not sure what the missionaries thought, but as the pastor's wife commented as she wiped tears from her face, "Only you, T.T. Only you."

I suppose T.T. is going to be stuck with a new nickname from now on.

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