Hi, I'm Bubba Duke. I'm a coon dog and this is my home. Come on inside and check out my crib. I had my master build one like it for himself.

As you can see, the home's open space and tasteful furnishings reflect my flair for style.

Notice the live plants inside - perfect for hiking up the old leg. Mighty convenient hiding the bathroom right there in the living area.

The kitchen - my second favorite room. My favorite foods are steak and crab legs.

This is where me and the bitches get it on...you know - where the magic happens.

Downstairs, check out my home theater. When I'm not napping, I'm studying humans by watching television, even though there aren't a lot of dogs in the movies like there was when Lassie and Rin Tin Tin were around. However, I am a big Elvis Presley fan and own all his movies and CDs. My favorite songs are "Hot Dog" and "Hound Dog". Check out his video below.
Elvis learned to move like that when his dog tried humping his leg. Here's a little known fact: My great, great, great, great cousin on my mother's side was backstage the night Elvis did this performance. On his way to the stage, Elvis stepped in cousin Droopy's poop, which you'll see him trying to scrape off his shoe while performing "Hound Dog".
I grew up on a farm just outside New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm technically a beagle, but I spent most of my youth chasing coons in the bayou's. When Hurricane Katrina came, ole Bubba BiGot Jr, III and myself did the only sensible thing. We moved to higher ground. Bubba, (I call him The Third), took my advice when FEMA gave us a settlement check for the trailer. I told him to invest that money, so he did. He bought $14,257 worth of Power Ball lottery tickets. We won and now we're living high on the hog in Granville County, North Carolina.
The first thing I noticed about North Carolina is that there are too many subdivisions and highways. A dog could get killed just crossing the road to take a leak on somebody else's property. Another thing I noticed is that there aren't as many coons here as there were in Louisiana. Plenty of deer, but they run too fast and can't climb trees, so they're no fun. I'm limited to a few acres here so I thought I might as well make the best of things and fix up my house a little. The Third ran out of money before he could finish furnishing his, so I let him sleep over when he and the Missus can't get along.
It's true that I miss all the fields and swamps I used to hunt in. I was raised to work hard for my living. At six months I was treeing the neighbor's cat. Once I had to fight off a gray fox who was trying to steal my food. The Third noticed my courage and treeing ability and taught me how to hunt coons in the woods. Now, down in Louisiana, where the alligators grow so mean, a coon dog could spend days chasing coons. The Third couldn't keep up with me, so I was always barking and telling him to hurry up. Most of the time I could tree a coon within minutes, but these humans just can't keep up. Still, it was a good life. Things were simpler back then. Dogs knew how to balance work with leisure. Sleep all day, hunt all night. Humans, on the other hand, sleep all night and wander off and get into all kinds of mischief during the day.
I've been around awhile. I've observed what's going on in the world. Unlike humans, common sense and knowledge are passed on to us through our genetics. We know who we are and where we came from and don't waste time trying to become what we are not. I've got some opinions, and I'm going to share them with you from time to time. Be sure to drop back now and again to see what's going on in a dog's world.
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